Hague Road Runners

Getting to know us

The Hague Road Runners is a lively running club with fully qualified trainers. The club has over 600 members and was founded in 1984. As well as road running for races or for recreation several other activities are offered by the club, such as trail running and hiking. There is a suitable group for any distance and any level, daytime or evening. The club is situated close to Meijendel, Clingendael and the Haagse Bos.

If you would like to get to know The Hague Road Runners (HRR), you can become a temporary member, which entitles you to a month’s free training. Bring your running gear to the clubhouse and join in straightaway. Make sure you’re early (6:30pm or earlier) so you have time to discuss which group is best for you and at the same time sign up for your temporary membership.
You can sign up with the following trainers:

Ben van Kan Izaak Luteijn Annie van Heiningen
Ben van Kan Izaak Luteijn Annie van Heiningen


Ben is usually available on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings; Ed on Monday and Wednesday evenings and Izaak on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and Annie on Wednesday and Friday morning.

They’ll help you fill in the membership form for a month’s free training. Confirmation of temporary membership will be sent to you by post and after a month will automatically be continued as regular membership so if you decide not to join let us know well before the month is over.